Monday, January 26, 2009

One Tree Hill quote

Kahlil Gibran once wrote:

"Your reason and your passion are the rudder and sails of your seafaring soul . If either be broken, you can but toss and drift or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas. For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining...and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction."

it's like your purpose and the enthusiasm of fulfilling that purpose...without the other, you'd be like a man without a cause. what's the use of finding out your reason when you don't have the passion to achieve it? and yet, what can you benefit with your overflowing passion when you don't have the direction to sail with it? worse is the man without both, and blessed is the one who possessed them.

at some points in our lives, we are driven by eagerness to do something, to achieve something, to gain something, to own something...and make that as our goal. by all means, we are utilizing all our efforts, time and money to fulfill what we aimed for, making sacrifices and dealing with the challenges. when we focus our eyes on just the goal, the prize at the end of the journey, of the thing that we very much desire to gain and somehow forgot to enjoy the journey itself, then our reason is suffocating, stifling and insipid.

some of us may think that traversing life should be enjoyable, having much fun and be with the flow...for life just passes once, so, why waste it worrying about anything or making hard decisions? why not experience all the amusing things life could offer us...and just pay the price later? indeed, it would seem very exciting and thrilling to think for such, but then those good things wouldn't last for long...and we may be delivered to our own doom later on as we realize that these tangent things are just actually the wrapper of a much heavier gift, the attractive cover of a meaningful book, the wallpaper of a much complicated system.

as we sail through life, we need to have both our reason and our passion to go through the waves. we need to have our vision to be focused far ahead with our hearts set out to sail beyond and aim for our specific destination in life. only then can we truly appreciate the journey we are in right now.

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